


The AFL is Australia’s premiere football code. Played for over 150 years, the game is home to some of the world’s most exciting, skillful and athletic competitors. The league and its leaders are an extraordinary force in the nation’s sporting, social and cultural landscape with a stated purpose to “progress the game so everyone can share in its heritage and possibilities”.

In 2019, the AFL partnered with Nosworthy Group to pilot and pioneer new ways to connect men more deeply with themselves, their work and the people around them. EVOLVE, a best-in-class personal and professional development program, was designed. The clear aim of the program was to enhance constructive and inclusive behaviors of men within the leadership group and core teams.


  • Three off-site and in-person experiences
  • Thought leadership oversight
  • Development and production of learning materials
  • Tailored learning resources and in-depth Research Packets
  • Robust clinical-led program evaluation 


An emphasis on Perceived Social Isolation

Reports show that men are largely psychologically, emotionally and often physically isolated, with significant correlations between perceived social isolation and depression, suicide and mortality rates. When compared to smoking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and high blood pressure, social isolation was as strong a risk factor for morbidity and mortality (Cacioppo et al., 2011; House, Landis & Umberson, 1988).

And so, EVOLVE addressed this by focusing on activities designed to reduce Perceived Social Isolation, reduce stress, increase empathy and increase emotional awareness and sensitivity.

Robust learning resources

To facilitate engaging and enduring learning, we architected a mix of:

  • Long-form recorded conversations and podcasts with leaders and experts in leadership, inclusion and men’s development.
  • Topical research-backed learning support resources (Research Packets and activation journals).
  • Regular provocations shared directly with participants of things to consider and practice as they moved through their working day.

Conversation and connection

Program participants were placed in small cross-functional and cross-team groups. Each group was peer-led; the small group leaders were given development opportunities to host conversations. All groups were provided conversation guides with structured reflections, provocations and exercises.

All-In Group Sessions

Over the duration of the program, three all-group sessions were held in an inspiring and informal offsite location. These learning experiences were hosted by leading psychologists, trainers and men’s educators — to foster learning, connection and transformation. 


To best understand the impact and efficacy of the learning experience on the participants, Tyler Hudson LPC, NCC, CWC, who researches and works frequently with men, was engaged as the evaluating clinician. 

”From a clinical perspective, the results are quite impressive. The EVOLVE program was shown to produce a statistically significant effect on AFL participants’ empathy, alexithymia, mindfulness, and Perceived Social Isolation. In particular, the significance of the changes in Perceived Social Isolation would be difficult to overestimate. 

Amongst all participants, and in aggregate:
  • Stress was reduced by by 11.5%

  • Empathy was increased by 37%
  • Emotional access and fluency was increased (Alexithymia to zero)
  • Mindfulness was increased by 5.7%
  • Gender Role Conflict was decreased by 5.2%
  • Perceived Social Isolation was decreased by 31%
Significant time, resources, and energy are used frequently in a variety of clinical and professional settings to increase these characteristics and states in individuals, often to little or no effect.”